ServiceNow by industry

With roots in public accounting, advisory services and technology consulting, we understand your industry and 你的业务.


当你选择一个专业的服务提供商来协助一个商业技术项目, there are many choices. One useful way of looking at alternatives is with a simple 2x2 grid, 坐标轴是服务提供商对你所在行业的了解和对技术的了解.

最糟糕的, 也许风险最大的象限是低行业/低技术知识和经验组合. 最好的, 最合适的象限代表具有高行业/高技术知识和经验的供应商. This quadrant’s name might be “proven experts”.  And for projects involving digital workflows, business 流程 and the ServiceNow enterprise platform, this is where you’ll find us.

虽然高深的知识是必要条件,但并不是唯一需要考虑的因素. Our notable ServiceNow familiarity and ability to provide insight-driven, industry-specific solutions is key to our story, however it’s not the headline. What sets RSM apart is our incessant drive to understand: you, 你的业务, 您的企业, 你的挑战, 你的约束, 你的选择, 你的喜好. Even so, it’s less about our understanding than your being understood.



我们相信伟大的工作流程是每一个成功的表现背后,无论你的行业. ServiceNow和RSM提供数字工作流程解决方案,满足您行业的独特需求,并帮助您加速数字化转型.

医疗保健和生命科学行业使用ServiceNow技术实现业务自动化并实现业务增长. RSM设计并实现了增强用户体验和帮助管理过去需要大量vwin娱乐场官方的大型任务的解决方案. 我们深厚的行业经验可帮助组织提供增强的服务台支持, better upgrade and update management, 集成多个临床系统并创建中央仪表板来管理业务. 我们的ServiceNow专家团队了解行业监管事务的复杂性, security requirements and unique restrictions, ensuring all stipulations are met.


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